Someday, I'll write out reviews for these. But for now, here's a shortlist of good Linux software.
- 🌠 Dokku (Self-hosted Heroku)
- 🌠 sxhkd
- 🌠 yadm (git-style dotfile management)
- vlc / mpv
- 🌠 yt-dlp (general web media downloader)
- 🌠 ffmpeg
- kdenlive (Multiplatform OSS Video Editor)
- 🌠
asdfmise - 🌠 fish shell
- 🌠 unar
- 🌠 sqlite3
- Kitty (Terminal)
- 🌠 Atuin (Shell History Sync)
- croc
- tealdeer
- android-file-transfer (macOS and Linux)
- 🌠 trilium (Do I Like the Notetaking Program Trilium? (Yes)
- firefox
- zellij
- Youtube Music Desktop Client (Unnofficial)
🌠 means really good