

This is my currently preferred flavor of arch linux / linux in general (as of December 2023).

Reasons I Like ArcoLinux

  1. It's Arch
  2. Package manager:
    1. Real rolling release and packages are super up to date. They even have their package repository with a lot of useful applications. link
    2. yay installed by default
  3. Xfce4 has pretty sane defaults and looks nice
  4. So far it's worked on every machine I've thrown at it
  5. Very comprehensive installer. I used arcolinux XL
  6. It has a welcome app that has nice features for you

Note: previous distros I used to use roughly ordered: crunchbang, ubuntu, mint, manjaro, archbang, endeavourOS

Useful Resources

How to make an encrypted drive with fast bootup

/Yesext4*<none>rest of drive

* it may display as LUKS in the interface

This is originally from here: ArcoLinux : 1054 how to encrypt ArcoLinux with calamares - fast bootup, but I had to update the unencrypted boot part for EFI support.

Bootstrapping (Specific to me)


yay -S fish yadm --noconfirm
yadm clone

# yadm runs bootstrapping scripts which continue onward

after yadm


ssh-keygen -t ed25519
ssh-add ~/.ssh/id_ed25519
ssh-copy-id -i ~/.ssh/ dokku@$DOKKU_HOST


  1. launch nvim once, lazy will do its thing


  1. sign into firefox sync
  2. sign into google
  3. set ublock origin to cloud downloads
  4. log into pushbullet
  5. log into gdrive on violentmonkey
  6. pin bitwarden, violentmonkey, and darkreader to toolbar
  7. log into bitwarden (requires authy somewhere)
  8. enable exentions on private browsing (bitwarden, dark reader, kagi, violentmonkey, at least)